Monthly Archives: October 2013

Raspberries and Nuclear Warheads

Or what each country leads the world in 🙂 India leads in movie making of all the things. True. But some countries are leading in making babies and staying married too. 😉 LoL Not sure if this is a joke.

Raspberries and Nuclear Warheads

Or what each country leads the world in 🙂 India leads in movie making of all the things. True. But some countries are leading in making babies and staying married too. 😉 LoL Not sure if this is a joke.

Food. Need. Greed.

Food. Need. Greed. (Video link – courtesy Samsara Movie) We breed them. Feed them. And eat them. But at what cost. Livestock consumes 40 % fresh water resources. Mahatma Gandhi – “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not

Food. Need. Greed.

Food. Need. Greed. (Video link – courtesy Samsara Movie) We breed them. Feed them. And eat them. But at what cost. Livestock consumes 40 % fresh water resources. Mahatma Gandhi – “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not

Lament for Icarus

Posting one of my favorites today. A very dramatic and powerful imagery of Greek myth by the classical painter Herbert. J. Draper

Lament for Icarus

Posting one of my favorites today. A very dramatic and powerful imagery of Greek myth by the classical painter Herbert. J. Draper